Only our turf Lyrics – Slimes souls

Only our turf Lyrics by Slimes souls

Verse one
White feminists saying “this is my turf”
I don’t think they really comprehend their words
Misogyny lays deep within their hearts

We need to go back to the parks
You’re focusing on the wrong parts
So let’s start
At the very beginning

It’s no women, until it’s all women
Choosing which women get credit
Gives a right to the men to also be disrespecting
Unless you want to be a hypocrite with their blessing

But truly understand your message
Before you spread it
On thе internet, webs
Can gеt you tangled if you don’t understand them

You’re trapped with the “alpla man”, men
You get defensive when you think someone is questioning your hood
But just like you, they also don’t have it good
You don’t get killed for how you identify

You don’t get raped because the monsters want to turn you back
I know you still get raped, day and night
And I know you’re still are scared to go outside
I know you get attacked

I know you still get beat by your husbands
I know you too are scared of man
I know you get beat
I know you get raped in the street

I know sex for you turns violent when you say no
I know if you like sex, you’re a ho
I know men see you as objects, just a hole
I know to them, you are cattle

I know how hard you have it
I see the battles
But I’m so proud that you’re now fighting against the attacking
But please acknowledge it’s not just you getting attacked

These women are also get beaten, raped, killed
Trafficking is attacking them, their mouths are sealed
You all are in the same boat
You need each other to stay float

Let me help you if you will
I, a male, see your problems and acknowledge your pain
So why can’t you do the same
Not just for the trans but also for a man

Why does everything have to be a competition
Why can’t we just listen
To each others struggles
We’re all sisters and brothers, but y’all

Just keep fighting
But in the end, all women will fall silent
If all women aren’t allowed a voice
Being trans isn’t a choice

But even if it was, they should still be allowed to pick it
Just like you should be able to abort, let me help you see the vision
You think misogyny lays with the trans
But I believe it lays with you

Because you continue
To play into the hand
Of the white man
They want to separate

They know women are at the strongest when they stand together
So they make you discriminate
Until your turf is in sections

Your misogyny is taking away women’s worth
When you’re spreading hateful words
Tearing down other women because of terms
Making everything a competition over turf

Verse two
It’s not a competition
When all women
Fall victim

So why is there different a land
I think it’s because of the powerful man
But now sisters don’t care when the trans
Fall victim to his hands

Because these women don’t want them in their fam
So that can excuse the abuse, according to you
But I have some important news too
Being trans not a mental illness, and it’s more than just a feeling

And trans women are women
And have been since the beginning
But hearing that, makes you taken back
But I’m going to spell out the lines

Trans women didn’t switch sides
They just realized their truth
Coming out is acceptance
But you’re not willing to accept it

So you live your life in a lie
You prefer your words in which you hide behind
So how can we go forward with what’s new
When you force women in their tombs

You wrap their truth in bandages, but they’re not mummies
But you are in denial, so you drown them in your river
But soon your water will break but that doesn’t make you a birth giver
That term is just for and from these

Your misogyny is taking away women’s worth
When you’re spreading hateful words
Tearing down other women because of terms

Making everything a competition over turf
Verse three
You feel like CIS is misgendering
Upset is

What you get when they call you it
But if I’m remembering
You’re the one who call dudes it

Then laughed when they got mad
Here you are, doing the same act
It seems you’ve become what you hate
But still you say

You feel like CIS is misgendering
So just imagine how they feel when you actually misgender them
Because if I’m remembering
You mocked them for it

But now you’re saying it’s a problem, ignorance
Is a powerful tool
It’s cool
For you to misgender them

But they can’t do that sh#t back
Gas lighting is entering
Shall we address that
You are making out it’s their fault

That you get angry when called CIS
But you’re the one who changed the definition
To something you deem offensive
Your abuse is coming through

And I do know
You do have a point in some cases
When some faces
Act out of pocket

But that doesn’t mean their all the same problem
I agree they shouldn’t be buying no tampon boxes
Just to play with
That’s a dangerous game when people can’t afford them now

But if they’re buying them to help be sorting out other women, it’s amazing
In other words, learn how to separate them
You should call out
Those who are playing dress up

Or those doing it after they molest or
Saying they’re a woman to go to a all women prison but listen that’s not them all now
The majority are against this
So befriend them

I would accept a trans man, so why won’t you accept a trans woman
When you all have so much in common
You’re both scared you’ll get killed and raped
The only difference

Is that you belong in the kitchen
And trans women
Belong in a coffin
The enemy feels that way

So instead
Of going for those oppressed
Lift them up, pick them up and go for the evil men

Your misogyny is taking away women’s worth
When you’re spreading hateful words
Tearing down other women because of terms
Making everything a competition over turf

Verse four
You died
For equal rights
Just to go back in time

But you’re not dying this time
You’ve found a new timeline
Women are still dying but it’s a different fight
You sit on top if you’re white

But the men will take you down if you don’t follow their advice
But it seems that women are doing the same
Trans people aren’t trying to take your rights away
They just want the same rights that you have nowadays

You should be able to sympathize
When you’ve already done this fight
Only difference, this time you’re the witness
You’re at the front of the bus, they’re at the back

The men are the ones that drive, but you ignore that
Just like how you ignore how their narrative is attack
But then you say it’s the trans that are more likely to do that
Even though men have been doing that long before trans were facts

Trans using your restroom doesn’t mean they’re going to assault you
But you think it does now, so you tell them to get the f#ck out
But when you’re telling them to get out of yours
You’re putting them in danger

Because behind their toilet doors
They’re getting raped by a stranger
So a women using yours to escape rape
Isn’t going to rape you or your mates

But if a trans woman makes you uncomfortable
Then what do you feel when a boy uses it with his mum
Because it seems you view the trans as criminals
Which means the real ones

Get away with it
But if you truly don’t want them using your toilet to begin with
Then contribute to gender neutral ones
Instead of accusing them of

Something as serious as rape
Because treating them like property is the real thing making a mockery
So you’re not wearing the capes
Which is begging the question

How can you play hero
While the villain is in the mirror
Now I’m getting you want to feel safe
But that doesn’t mean you have the right to put a stranger in danger

Your fear is contributing to harmful stereotypes
The men who hurt you aren’t the ones joining your side
But when that’s something you imply
You just contribute to women’s suicide

Until their the ones scared for their life
It’s a vicious cycle, I know
And the only way out
Is to share, to care, to actually wear a cape now

Your misogyny is taking away women’s worth
When you’re spreading hateful words
Tearing down other women because of terms

Making everything a competition over turf
Verse five
Your misogyny is showing
Without you knowing

I’m going
To explain it as I’m painting the picture
Your picking your sisters
Meaning you’re seeming to be kicking out women

Treating certain women like second class citizens
They’re no longer a person, so much for sisterhood
Feels like BLM, only this time, sir, it’s against women
Only one house is on fire, but you say yours is burning now

Even though we know it’s your neighbour, it’s turning out
You want everyone to put your fire out
But you won’t put theirs out in return
Instead, you will just watch them burn

While calling them liars now
They’re not trying to overstep
They’re just trying to get respect
They’re nothing less

Than the suffragettes
A part from all they get is the suffer
All because they don’t feel like a mother
Nature is causing danger for strangers who are left out in the blue

But trans women want to be viewed the same as you
But you’re itching to not let them
What you’re doing is no different
To what the men did to cis women

Back in the 60’s
Now for them being women is risky
But you don’t see that vision
You’d rather see narcissism

This is no oppression olympics, since
You think it is one
The men get a reason to oppress
Put down your guns

And stop gunning for people who change their sex
Let me make this simple
Let me help you see the whole window
Since you can’t see, I’m going to open your eyes

No more being blind
I’m going to give you an insight
Without trying to tell you how you should feel on the inside
But let’s go back in time

When you had to fight
Just to get rights
All the way back then, this is what’s happening to the women you despise
Despite what you want to describe

You’re fighting the same fight
Because just like you, they’re fighting for their rights
They want an equal life
So how can you be on different sides

When you live the same life
Every time
So stop kicking them off your turf, stop trying to divide
Stop spreading hurtful words, stop trying to fight

All women must stand together in size
To stop the men who want to actually take over your life
Attacking women makes it easier for the man to attack you with his lies
So the women you’re fighting aren’t the enemy when they too fight the anti Christ

Your turf shouldn’t be funded on hateful words and being white
The people you’re kicking off the bus have the right to be inside
Plus they’re still at the back with no one by their side
So when they try and join yours, they’re not trying to take over your ride

They just want to sit at the front of the bus with you on this ride
While the white men is the one that drives the bus to his finishing line
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Slimes souls Lyrics – Only our turf

Slimes souls

Only our turf