The Story Lyrics – J-Formz

The Story Lyrics by J-Formz

All i had to do was f#cking come here 3 or 4 times? in f#cking, in a short span of time? in f#cking a years span of time?
(i know son, and here’s what’s even more crazy is like we know it, right? so you could f#ck up and regret it, but to know that you’re f#cking up, and to know that you’re gonna regret it, and still not do it!? like, that’s some dumb shit. that’s gonna make you regret it even more when you get older…

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It’s Still alive Lyrics – J-Formz

It’s Still alive Lyrics by J-Formz

One night, i’m waiting for the record to play out. i said i wonder if i put…i said to myself “hmm”…they’re out there waiting for this particular break and i have a couple more records that’s got the same break up in it. i wonder how it would be if i put them all together? and i told them, i said i’m gonna try something new tonight called the merry-go-round…
Kool herc threw that first block party in 73

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